Starfish - K3-K4
Starfish A will be for younger starfish who need more playtime to learn. This group will be learning through play, books, singing songs, and games. (Teacher: English)
Starfish B will be for older children who need more of an academic challenge to hold their attention. They will also learn through playtime, but will have more hands-on activities, structured lessons, and crafts. (Teacher: Hensley)
This class will be having snack and recess time during their 2nd hour (10:30-11:30). Please send along a snack from home, and be sure that they are wearing play shoes and weather-appropriate clothing in case they go outside for recess. (Teacher: Green)
Supplies: Parents may also be asked to donate items as needed such as tissues, wipes, and other such necessities. These needs will be posted in the Explorers Facebook group as they come up.
Class fee: $5 fee will cover all necessary supplies for the whole semester and will contribute towards the class’s needs.